A press conference is a pretty unlikely place to expect to experience ASMR, but enter the Women’s Chess Championship and the ridiculously soft spoken press conferences featuring prominently Russian women whispering in some of the best unintentional ASMR videos we’ve come across recently.

These videos have to be the quietest press conference ever recorded which makes for perfect unintentional ASMR. The videos come from the Fide Channel. All content is owned by them. These videos have been edited for so you can enjoy the best Russian ASMR videos on YouTube

In this video series we feature professional chess players often Russian women, Eastern European women and Asian women. In this first video we have Tuvshintugs Batchimeg (L) Tatiana Kosintseva (C), and Press Officer Anastasiya Karlovich (R) from the Ukraine.

Here is another 2 part video featuring Tatiana Kosintseva again and her challenger Bela Khotenashvili. While this video has some different women than featured in the first relaxing video, the quiet press conference theme continues! It must be a custom in the chess world, not that we’re complaining!

In the next video there are two more insanely relaxing Eastern European ASMR with two press conferences featuring Viktorija Cmilyte (LTU) and Anna Muzychuk (SLO), and is moderated as always by Anastasiya Karlovich.

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The Best Russian ASMR – Unintentional ASMR At Russian Women Chess Championship

These are the first 3 parts in this series. For the full Women’s Chess Championship unintentional ASMR playlist click here. Also be sure to like us on Facebook where we’ll be posting more of the best Russian ASMR videos featuring Russian women chess players.

We post the very best unintentional ASMR videos daily, so check out our Facebook page and YouTube channel for more and stay tuned to iNeedToSleepNow.com for the best tips to fall asleep now.